Interview with Beth Greenwood, MD: Regional Medical Director

This month, Consensus Health’s Chief Operating Officer, Michael Lovett, sat down with Beth Greenwood, MD, to talk about her roles as Regional Medical Director for Partners In Care and Consensus Health, as well as her role as Consensus Health’s VP of Medical Affairs. Learn more about Beth and the PIC leadership team at #medicalaffairs […]

Health System-Owned Physician Practices Operating at a Loss

Some recent U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) enforcement cases and settlements suggest that owning physician practices that are losing money may be a significant regulatory concern. The DOJ has suggested in the last few years that practice losses may be an indicator that physician compensation is not at fair market value (FMV) or commercially reasonable. […]

Getting Paid for Transitional Care Management (TCM)

Medicare adopted transitional care management (TCM) payment codes in 2013 to encourage clinicians to provide TCM services after beneficiaries were discharged to the community from medical facilities. As a result, Medicare spending on TCM services increased over 200 percent between 2013 and 2016, and studies show that these services significantly reduced cost and mortality in […]